
Cities and Memory is an exhibit featuring Juliette’s latest, ekphrastic poetry with her father James Rossant‘s paintings, running April 13 to June 30, 2023, at the Fenwick Gallery of George Mason University (address and map). The curator is Stephanie Grimm with Chen Bi.

EKPHRASIS: A Celebration of Poetry and Art is a panel related to “Cities and Memory” on May 4, 2023, 07:00 – 08:30 PM at the main reading room of the Fenwick Library at George Mason University, where Juliette will read and converse with faculty members Sally Keith, Leeya Mehta, and Peter Streckfus; Mason student Serena Grant; and moderator Heather Green (free registration).

Planet of the Blue Flowers is the book (currently seeking a publisher) of Juliette’s ekphrastic poems with her father’s artwork from which “Cities and Memory.”