Reston Magazine Features Juliette Rossant

Juliette Rossant, 2011, by David Madison

August 18, 2011:  Reston Magazine has run a feature story on Juliette. In it, she discusses life in Reston and the vision of her father, architect James Rossant.


My father did not intend the other village centers to form around malls. He never intended for a monolithic town center to develop, which might cannibalize business from the village centers. Walkways for pedestrians and bike trails for bikers were supposed to dominate, not cars — nor did he ever intend for a massive highway like the Dulles Greenway to cut Reston in two…

I confess ambivalence with the coming of the Metro system. On the one hand, I look forward to riding the subway all the way into Washington… On the other hand, I fear that the Metro may compound traffic jams along the access roads… I hope we take advantage of this moment…

One thing I’d like to see is “Lake Anne Day.” I’d like to see students from all the Reston elementary schools come to Lake Anne and learn about town planning, the architectural movements in 20th Century America behind Lake Anne, and the sculpture and architecture at Washington Plaza

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